Wildemount ReinKarnated

Wildemount ReinKarnated

The continent of Wildemount is a setting originally created by Matthew Mercer as the setting for the second campaign of Critical Role. Though it's just one continent in the larger world of Exandria, Wildemount is teeming with varied cultures, locales, peoples, and monsters.


Wildemount is the focus a long-running set of ReinKarnated maps. Throughout this collection, you will find new renditions of maps published in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount as well as original concept maps where I've envisioned landscapes, cities, and towns within the various regions of Wildemount.

Menagerie Coast

A lush, rain-swept, tropical region

The Menagerie Coast is a region located on the southwest coast of Wildemount and runs along the Lucidian Ocean. This lush, tropical area is marked by rocky cliffs, scattered forests and jungles, overgrown islands, and busy trade routes. The region is governed by a nation composed of seven city-states whose cultural and political leaders have united under the Clovis Concord. The Menagerie Coast is famous for its lively trade, vibrant art and performances, and delicious food, but it is also notorious for indulging in vice, piracy, and illegal activities.

Menagerie Coast - D&D ReinKarnated
Spanning the length of Wildemount’s southwest coastline along the Lucidian Ocean, the Menagerie Coast is a lush, rain-swept, tropical region filled with scattered forests and jungles, rocky seaside cliffs and beaches, overgrown islands, and bustling trade routes that traverse the perilous seas. This land is known far and wide as a place for lively trade, vibrant art, performance, and excellent food—as well as the indulgence of vice, piracy, and illicit business.

Collection of maps from the Menagerie Coast

Marrow Valley

A rural expanse of rolling farmsteads and formative industry

The Marrow Valley is a verdant expanse of green grasslands situated between the Ashkeeper Peaks and the Cyrios Mountains. This region is known for its beautiful farms and budding industries, attracting most of the travel and trade from outside the empire. The fields of grains and grasses expand into the lush forests and crystal lakes, creating a rural paradise in the south of Western Wynandir.

Marrow Valley - D&D ReinKarnated
A rural expanse of lush farmsteads and formative industry that welcomes the majority of travel and trade from outside the empire.

Zemni Fields

The heart of the Dwendalian Empire

The heart of the Dwendalian Empire is formed by a sprawling region known as Zemni Fields. Dirt-packed roads, dense forests, and austere townships defend against the dangers of the wilderness amidst the frost-dappled fields of the northern plains. Known for its gray skies, cold rain, and occasional snowfall, this region is separated from the southern Marrow Valley by the Silberquel Ridge mountains, and is home to healthy crops and muddy feet. The Dunrock Mountains serve as a barrier to threats beyond the king's rule, while the Rockguard Garrison to the east stands firm against the Kryn Dynasty's deadly armies.

Zemni Fields - D&D ReinKarnated
The heart of the Dwendalian Empire is formed by a sprawl of dirt-packed roads, dense forests, and austere townships that fight back the dangerous creatures of the wilderness. This region, known for its gray skies, fits of cold rain, and occasional snowfall, keeps the feet of the denizens muddy and their crops healthy.

Greying Wildlands

Dense, desiccated forests, rolling mountains, and icy tundra

Located on the northeastern coast of Wildemount, the Greying Wildlands is a vast expanse of ice and snow, separated from the Dwendalian Empire by the rugged Dunrock Mountains and the Quannah Breach. This harsh terrain is comprised of dense, desiccated forests, rolling mountains, and icy tundra.

Greying Wildlands - D&D ReinKarnated
Pressed against the northeastern coast of Wynandir is a desert of ice and snow, separated from the Dwendalian Empire by the jagged Dunrock Mountains and the Quannah Breach. This landscape of dense, desiccated forests, rolling mountains, and icy tundra is known as the Greying Wildlands.


Imposing islands of ice, danger, and powerful, forgotten relics.

Located far to the north of Wildemount are the formidable icy islands known as Eiselcross. For ages, most of the world disregarded Eiselcross as a frozen wasteland of perpetual blizzards and monstrous yetis. Despite being long ignored and dismissed by much of the world, Eiselcross has a rugged and austere beauty that draws in explorers and adventurers from all corners of the globe. Icy mountains loom over frozen tundras, with ancient glaciers carving out deep valleys that hide secrets from long ago. The harsh weather patterns and treacherous terrain make travel through the region perilous, but for those willing to brave the elements, the promise of discovery and untold riches is an irresistible lure. Beneath the surface of the ice and snow lie ruins of long-forgotten civilizations and the remnants of powerful arcane artifacts, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek them out.

Eiselcross - D&D ReinKarnated
Far north of the rest of Wildemount is a collection of imposing islands of ice, danger, and powerful, forgotten relics. For centuries, most of the world dismissed Eiselcross as an uninhabitable glacial land of blizzards and yetis.

Wastes of Xhorhas

Fields of broken earth, muddy paths, muggy swamps, and corrupted forests

In the eastern region of Wynandir, there lies a valley that bears the remnants of the final battles of the Calamity. The landscape is characterized by shattered earth and muddy paths, encircling the murky swamps and corrupted forests that harbor creatures warped by the shadows of the Betrayer Gods. The skies are often dominated by fierce storms, while dangerous predators roam the barren plains.

Wastes of Xhorhas - D&D ReinKarnated
The Wastes of Xhorhas is a region marked by fields of broken earth, muddy paths, muggy swamps, and corrupted forests. Home to the Kryn Dynasty.
