Spanning the length of Wildemount's southwest coastline along the Lucidian Ocean, the Menagerie Coast is a lush, rain-swept, tropical region filled with scattered forests and jungles, rocky seaside cliffs and beaches, overgrown islands, and bustling trade routes that traverse the perilous seas. This land is known far and wide as a place for lively trade, vibrant art, performance, and excellent food—as well as the indulgence of vice, piracy, and illicit business.
Located on the southern tip of the Vezdali Peninsula, Palma Flora is a small community that attracts merchants and Zhelezo from nearby Port Damali for their annual shark hunting tournament and a famous cocktail named after the settlement.
An introduction to the Menagerie Coast. A beautifully diverse landscape of tropical islands and coasts, forests, mountains, and cliffs.