
Welcome to Gaiathrae, a world brimming with magic, mystery, and adventure. This enchanting realm is divided into two main continents, Eldervast and Veridya, each teeming with diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and countless secrets waiting to be uncovered.

The Brinehart Coven

In the mist-shrouded Brackish Brinelands lies the stilted village of Sodden Hollow, where a missing child may be the catalyst for a dangerous ritual being planned by a coven of hags.

Dawn of the Crimson Hand - Part 2

In the conclusion of Dawn of the Crimson Hand, the party returns to the Kingdom of Brightcrown to determine how the uprising of the Crimson Hand should be dealt with.

Dawn of the Crimson Hand - Part 1

In the Kingdom of Brightcrown, an undercurrent of unrest stirs. This adventure weaves a tale of intrigue, rebellion, and the quest for justice. A challenge of choices and consequences, where the path to resolution will dictate the fate of an entire kingdom.

The Recluse of Gloomshade Grove

Just beyond the misty edge of the quaint hamlet of Greymist, a reclusive figure known as Fitch the Secluded weaves a tale as old as the gnarled roots that burrow deep into the earth.

The Menace of Verdant Weald

A threat looms over the peaceful lives of the villagers of Verdant Weald. A brutish gnoll named Gruffjaw the Vile and his band of marauders have been terrorizing the farms and forest, particularly threatening the safety of local farmers, fishermen, and travelers.

Beacon of the Brine: The Lighthouse Keeper's Tale

A group of adventurers find themselves on a ship braving a treacherous storm between the Shattered Coast and Wanderlust Plains and are heading towards a mysterious lighthouse. The journey takes an unexpected turn when the ship crashes, leading them into a series of challenges on a hostile shore.