Senator Vargis Goldplume

Senator Vargis Goldplume

With a voice as smooth as satin and a quill never far from his hand, Vargis secures power through commerce, compromise, and just enough corruption to grease every wheel.


Name: Senator Vargis Goldplume
Race: Aarakocra
Class/Role: Wealthy Statesman, Trade Diplomat, Political Opportunist
Age: 68
Appearance: Senator Vargis Goldplume is a tall, stately Aarakocra with opalescent golden feathers that shimmer like coins in sunlight. His wings are long and elegant, often draped with flowing diplomatic sashes and brocade-lined robes, signifying his rank in the ruling council of the Trade Accord. His beak is sharp and smooth, and his bright violet eyes are constantly evaluating, never idle.

He moves with grace and precision, and even when grounded, Vargis walks with the assurance of one who never stays tied down for long. A jade signet ring and a ceremonial dagger hang from his hip, but the real weapons lie in his tongue, his contracts, and his wealth.

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