Port Zoon

Port Zoon

Port Zoon is a densely packed metropolis of tall stone buildings, metal beams and towers, layers of drifting exhaust dust, and rising plumes of industrial soot.


Situated between Feolinn and Nicodranas, Port Zoon serves as the industrial hub of the Clovis Concord. The city is teeming with towering structures, arcane experts, and scientific guilds, and the landscape is dotted with peculiar towers, smoke pillars, and fumes from raging furnaces. Despite being referred to as "New Othe" by outsiders and having a less vibrant atmosphere than other coastal cities, Port Zoon more than makes up for it in its advanced science and manufacturing capabilities. The city features districts dedicated to metallurgy and smithing, producing some of the region's most skilled anvil masters. The majority of the goods and tools created here are sold along the Gilded Roadway, supporting the Menagerie Coast. A massive temple to Moradin towers over the city, with glowing lanterns hanging from cables that tether his towering statue to other high points across the city. Additionally, a quarter of the docks here house the Clovis Concord's reserve fleet, while a significant portion of the army's soldiers remain within the northern barracks in times of peace.

The city is divided into three smaller "spheres," each with its own unique characteristics, connected to the central Genesis Sphere through main thoroughfares lined with homes and warehouses.

The Harbor Sphere is an oblong district containing the docks, seafaring businesses, and warehouses, as well as naval housing and weapon storage. The Assay Sphere is home to smelters, coal refinement factories, and the most mysterious of experimental towers, called the Timuafa, where experiments in controlling the nearby weather patterns have led to varying—and sometimes undesirable—results.

The eastern Sentry Sphere is divided between impoverished homes, humble temples, and the barracks of the Sentry Keep, where many Shore Wardens of the Clovis Concord's army remain until called.

The central Hammer Sphere is the largest district and serves as the nexus for the others. The outer ring is comprised of crammed hovels and student housing, while the most industrious factories, forges, and schools cluster around the center Temple Genesis of the All-Hammer.

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