Marrow Valley

Marrow Valley

A rural expanse of lush farmsteads and formative industry that welcomes the majority of travel and trade from outside the empire.


The Marrow Valley is a beautiful expanse of green grasslands that fills the southern slopes between the Ashkeeper Peaks and the Cyrios Mountains. It is a rural area characterized by lush farmsteads and budding industry, and it serves as the primary point of entry for trade and travels from outside the empire. The fields of grains and grasses extend into the verdant forests and crystal lakes that are scattered throughout this southern region of Western Wynandir.

Zadash is the central metropolis in the region, and it is a significant hub for business and travel. People from all walks of life come to the city to work, bargain, and enjoy the many vendors and guilds that operate there.

The imperial military is headquartered in Bladegarden, which is on the eastern edge of the Marrow Valley. This is where the bulk of the standing legions are located, awaiting orders and training the next generation of imperial soldiers to fight against Xhorhas.

Beyond the bustling city of Zadash and the military headquarters in Bladegarden, there are many small towns and communities scattered throughout the Marrow Valley. These rural areas are home to a mix of hardworking farmers, craftsmen, and tradespeople who have made their living off the land for generations. However, there are also whispers of dangerous criminal activity and cult-like groups that operate in the shadows, taking advantage of the valley's remote location and sparse population. Travelers who venture too far off the beaten path do so at their own risk, as the dangers lurking in the Marrow Valley are not always immediately apparent. Despite the potential dangers, the valley remains a popular destination for those seeking a quieter life away from the chaos of the larger cities.

The Silberquel Ridge serves as the backdrop for the gnomish community of Hupperdook, which is characterized by the constant smoke and steam emanating from its towering columns. Despite its pre-imperial origins, Hupperdook became part of the Crown's territories more than two centuries ago as a result of diplomatic agreements. As the epicenter of industry in the Dwendalian Empire, the city specializes in producing advanced technology and large-scale weaponry.

The gnomish population in Hupperdook values both hard work and leisure. The community's trades range from coal mining and clockwork development to practical enchantment and the creation of flavorful beverages. Hupperdook residents approach each day with a positive outlook and a sense of eager anticipation for what lies ahead.

The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount starter adventure for the region takes place in Hupperdook. It kicks off when a war criminal is broken out of prison by well-armed kobolds working for a mysterious mastermind who threatens the gnomish city. Ultimately the party is hired to track down those responsible for the prison break, discover their motives, and bring them to justice, ending the imminent threat that the citizens of Hupperdook are unaware sits right at their doorsteps.

A broad cast of NPCs fill this adventure and the party will meet both friend and foe throughout their adventures in Hupperdook and up into the Silberquel Ridge.

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