

On the northern shores of Xhorhas, goblin and orc clans formed a fragile alliance, constantly struggling and fighting to survive. Over the course of a century, the Kryn Dynasty worked tirelessly to bring the two factions together.


The coastal city of Jigow emerged from these talks, rapidly growing to become an essential source of seafood within the dynasty. Its people are powerful hunters, cunning fishers, and tireless crafters who span both banks of the Emerald Gulch Sea and the northern Ifolon River. As a symbol of the dynasty's expansion and influence, Jigow is an important hub of commerce.

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Jigow is not a single centralized city, but rather a group of coastal villages clustered among the shoreline trees. The main docks, known as the Meatwaters, are located on the westernmost shore, where a thriving marine ecosystem supports the fishing industry. The central villages, named the Jumble, are slightly further from the coast, built within the enormous mangrove trees and on the backs of horizonback tortoises that serve as mobile homesteads. The eastern fringes, known as the Wetwalks, consist of huts and shacks on stilts over the low wetland patches where grains are grown in paddies amidst the reeds.

The inspiration for the design of this map, as well as the labeled locations came from Critical Roles Call of the Netherdeep. Β The city labels for Jigow in that book are somewhat specific to the adventure as written within the module, so I did try to make them sound more generalized in hopes that it will more easily fit into a homebrewed adventure but also work if you are running Call of the Netherdeep.

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