Gared Hollowbrook
Name: Gared Hollowbrook
Race: Human
Role: Ferryman & River Guide
Age: 51
Appearance: Gared Hollowbrook is a broad-shouldered man with a strong, sturdy build, though age and a lifetime on the river have worn him down. His grizzled, salt-and-pepper beard is often unkempt, and his sun-darkened skin is lined with deep creases from years spent squinting into the water’s glare. His gray-blue eyes, sharp and thoughtful, seem to take in everything—measuring people the same way he reads the river.

His clothing is simple but practical—a heavy wool coat for cold mornings, a wide-brimmed hat for the sun, and well-worn leather gloves to protect his calloused hands. He carries a wooden polestaff used for guiding his flat-bottomed ferry, but he handles it like a weapon when needed.
Gared Hollowbrook was born and raised on the river, learning its currents, tides, and dangers from his father before him. For over thirty years, he has ferried merchants, farmers, and weary travelers across the waters—some seeking safe passage, others hoping to leave their pasts behind.
While many see him as just another gruff old boatman, those who take the time to listen know that Gared has seen more than most. He remembers who came through the river crossings, what stories they told, and what lies they tried to hide. He knows which noble quietly fled in the dead of night, which bounty hunter is still searching for their mark, and what dark things lurk beneath the murky waters.