Vurmas, located near the north shore of Gelier, is a floating outpost that the Kryn Dynasty keeps hidden from other factions.
Felderwin, nestled in the Marrow Valley, is the thriving heart of halfling society in Wildemount. This settlement boasts fertile farmland that has been tended to by halflings for over seven centuries.
Far from the tropical shorelines, the dense jungles of an island archipelago threaten to overtake a centuries-old, forgotten roadway. The ancient bridge that spans a rushing river cracks and crumbles with age.
In the frozen tundras of the Zemni Fields, where the winds howl with an icy ferocity, there lies a lone bastion of civilization: Icehaven. The sole port in Western Wildemount, this frosty settlement harbors a precious few ships that can navigate the treacherous ice floes of the Frigid Depths.
Unwelcome Spirits ReinKarnated is a map and AI art pack meant to enhance the starter adventure for a new party embarking on adventures in the Wastes of Xhorhas.
A dreary, steady rain pelts down upon this chilly forest road.