Nestled into a patch of trees along the Amber Road, Alfield is a rural town sustained by the nearby mines that yield tin, copper, and quartz.
Games, contests, feats, and performers. Every town needs a good festival from time to time.
Deep beneath the surface lies a twist-filled labyrinth where the source of a dark magic can be found and destroyed by your heroes!
The gnomish city of Hupperdook is the industrial heart of the Dwendalian Empire. It boasts of a vibrant and hardworking community, comprising mining, metalwork, clockwork development, siege weaponry, and enchantment.
Despite the potential for danger, The Amber Crossroads is a location rife with mystery and adventure. Wandering performers bring color and life to the crossroads with their music, dance, and acrobatics, and there is always the possibility of discovering something new and exciting.
This institution for the ailed may look prim and proper on the surface, but dark madness await those who lurk beyond the public floors.