

If you're a DM like me, you know that one of the most important aspects of your games is good maps. My goal with D&D ReinKarnated is to take classic maps from D&D and bring them to a whole new level.

Any world town jail

The town jail stands as a testament to the consequences of breaking the town's ordinances. Its sturdy stone walls and imposing wrought iron bars convey a clear message of authority and discipline.


A settlement like no other, Urzin stands as a testament to the resourcefulness and adaptability of its people.

Any world labor camp

Far from the outskirts of town, in a desolate wilderness, a sinister labor camp emerges, its boundaries defined by menacing palisade fencing and the watchful eye of mercenary guards.

Lower Hupperdook

Through generations upon generations, the tenacious denizens of Hupperdook have upheld an unwavering commitment to refining their individual crafts.

Brokenveil Marsh

Spanning the reaches between the migrating city of Urzin and the Empire outpost of Fort Venture, the Brokenveil Marsh is a wretched expanse of swamps and bogs.

Any world sunken ship

Deep beneath the surfaces of the seas lie the shattered remains of once great galleons, caravels, and the like. Sunken treasures and fearsome dangers lie hidden within.