The Hidden Rebel Camp is nestled deep within a forest, concealed by the dense canopy of trees and surrounding undergrowth
A steadfast and dutiful dwarf, Brynn Windpike serves as the stalwart protector of his remote outpost, standing watch against threats from both wilderness and travelers.
A mysterious and captivating fortune teller, Ivy Starshadow weaves cryptic visions and celestial insights into a tapestry of riddles, leaving her clients both awed and uneasy.
A resourceful and gruff gnome trapper, Grim Hollowroot is an expert at navigating wild terrains and crafting ingenious devices to capture prey—or protect his territory from unwanted intrusions.
A kind-hearted and wise Firbolg herbalist, Fenra Mossfang dedicates her life to preserving the natural beauty of the Verdant Weald while tending to the wounds and illnesses of those in need.
A calculating and embittered fallen noble, Baron Halric Darkvale is a man driven by ambition and cunning, weaving dark schemes to restore the power and prestige he believes is his birthright.